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GAIL JORALEMON, M. DIV., has been an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ for over 40 years, and a Bioethicist for over 30 years. Her educational background includes degrees from Pacific School of Religion and Boston University, a certificate from the Kennedy Institute of Bioethics at Georgetown University. She has been an Adjunct Faculty member in the Philosophy and Religion Departments in the School of Communications, Humanities and Social Sciences, at Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) since 1997 where she has taught Biomedical Ethics, Business Ethics, Ethics and Society and Living Religions of the World. She has taught additional courses, given seminar presentations, and published in the field of bioethics in NM and nationally. She has served on the Bioethics Committee at the UNM Hospital as well as on ethics committees and institutional review boards around the state. Her areas of expertise in the field of bioethics include end of life issues, human research, reproductive issues and health care reform.

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